Our Statement of Faith

As part of the church of Jesus Christ, we are called to live out His teachings today.  While the world continues to change, God and His character do not, and we approach the truths of the Bible with this is mind.  That God is the same today as He was when Jesus walked this earth.   We believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Covenant that the Old Testament pointed towards, and instituted the New Covenant with His blood and sacrifice.

And so we ask, “What if Jesus really meant every word He said”?  And what if He actually meant us to live His teachings out today?  It is with this mindset, that we look at scripture and seek to make it practical to how we live today.  It is not always easy, and we do not always get it right, but we seek to build HIS kingdom through our lives, and keep aiming for this mark.


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DOCMC Statement of Faith